Carmen Hardy
Director of the Board
I’m retired and volunteer with LSO as Director of the Board. I came on board at LSO in 2008. I was invited to an LSO board meeting by one of the board
members. Hearing the vision was the answer to my prayer.
It started with a dream and I never would have guessed that God would
have worked it out the way He did, fulfilling my desire to be a
missionary to a foreign coun
Michael Gates
Founder and Current Director of Field Operations for LSO
Since LSO was established in March 2008 and served as Executive Director until this Spring 2020 when Carmen Hardy assumed the Executive Director Position. Hobbies, interests and callings include pickleball, gardening, mentorship of young land surveyors and service to the public as Senior Land Surveyor. I have been called to "fini
Phyllis Gates
Treasurer and Co-Founder of Living Stone Outreach
"My name is Phyllis Gates and I am the wife of Michael Gates, director and founder of Living Stone Outreach. I look back on the beginnings of LSO and I am reminded of the faithfulness of God. Never did we dream of how God lined up the desires of His own heart and then deliver opportunities to us to fulfill them. We thank God continually
Carmen Hardy-Harris
Board Member | Secretary
I serve as board member & secretary of LSO. I’m an ordained minister from Portland, OR. My greatest desire is to show the power & love of Christ to all those I’m able. By God’s grace, I was able to visit Liberia in 2017, with plans to make a difference, a difference was also made in me. I’m grateful to serve God’s people through LSO.-Founder of Living Sto
Jeremiah Harris
"I am Chaplin for LSO, I have been working with the organization for almost three years now. I am a Portland, Oregon native. What I enjoy the most is being able to pray and serve a community of people whose faith in Christ has seen them through and kept them in joyous spirits."
Shaun Fidler
Board Member
Mike Gates and I have now been working together for almost 20 years. I have been on 2 trips to Liberia and met so many wonderful brothers and sisters of our faith both in Liberia and here in the states with present and past board members. LSO has done so much for God's people. Visiting the children was the highlight of the trips. I remember in 2020 we put on a one-day VBS a
Sapphira Morgan
Board Member
" I was taught by my mother Carmen Hardy the importance of volunteer work and service for others. I've had the opportunity to serve our country by way of the Air Force for 20 years, and since retiring felt the continued need to help where I can. I learned about Living Stone Outreach about 10 years ago from my mother and always loved the mission. Over the years I've part